Royal Hotel

Matheran, Maharashtra


Free hotel stay - pay for food. View offer details

Stay valid between Sunday to Thursday Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking

Validity : Sun - Thus

Weekend & Public Holidays View offer details

Pay 999 for per night / room Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited lunch, High tea dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking.

Validity : Fri - Sat

Seasonal Days Booking View offer details

Get up to 25% OFF on stay Paying for food Is compulsory it includes unlimited dinner and breakfast 7 days prior booking.

Validity : red dates



Hotel Royal is located in the city of Matheran, It is an amazing destination located in Maharashtra. The lush green beauty with serene environment and amazing ambiance makes it a perfect place to explore the natural beauty. The hotel offers services that are designed to offer maximum comfort to its guests. Some of the services offered here are room service and front desk for the convenience of guests. Every room in the hotel is uniquely designed with cozy interiors and offer exclusive amenities attached bathroom and various other essential bathroom toiletries. Have a pleasent stay at Hotel Royal!Hotel Royal is located in the city of Matheran, It is an amazing destination located in Maharashtra. The lush green beauty with serene environment and amazing ambiance makes it a perfect place to explore the natural beauty. The hotel offers services that are designed to offer maximum comfort to its guests. Some of the services offered here are room service and front desk for the convenience of guests. Every room in the hotel is uniquely designed with cozy interiors and offer exclusive amenities attached bathroom and various other essential bathroom toiletries. Have a pleasent stay at Hotel Royal!Hotel Royal is located in the city of Matheran, It is an amazing destination located in Maharashtra. The lush green beauty with serene environment and amazing ambiance makes it a perfect place to explore the natural beauty. The hotel offers services that are designed to offer maximum comfort to its guests. Some of the services offered here are room service and front desk for the convenience of guests. Every room in the hotel is uniquely designed with cozy interiors and offer exclusive amenities attached bathroom and various other essential bathroom toiletries. Have a pleasent stay at Hotel Royal!Hotel Royal is located in the city of Matheran, It is an amazing destination located in Maharashtra. The lush green beauty with serene environment and amazing ambiance makes it a perfect place to explore the natural beauty. The hotel offers services that are designed to offer maximum comfort to its guests. Some of the services offered here are room service and front desk for the convenience of guests. Every room in the hotel is uniquely designed with cozy interiors and offer exclusive amenities attached bathroom and various other essential bathroom toiletries. Have a pleasent stay at Hotel Royal!

Popular amenities

  • Pool
  • Breakfastfree
  • Air conditioning
  • Wi-Fi


  • Wi-Fi

Policies & payments

  • Credit cards

  • Debit cards

  • NFC mobile payments

  • Cash


  • Pool

  • No hot tub


  • No fitness centre

  • No spa

Languages spoken

  • English

  • Hindi

Food and drink

  • Restaurant

  • Breakfastfree


  • Front desk24-hour

  • Full-service laundry


  • Child-friendly

Parking & transport

  • Parking

  • Local shuttle


  • No pets


  • Air conditioning in some rooms

    Popular amenities

  • Pool
  • Breakfastfree
  • Air conditioning
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internet

  • Wi-Fi

  • Policies & payments

  • Credit cards

  • Debit cards

  • NFC mobile payments

  • Cash

  • Pools

  • Pool

  • No hot tub

  • Wellness

  • No fitness centre

  • No spa

  • Languages spoken

  • English

  • Hindi

  • Food and drink

  • Restaurant

  • Services

  • Front desk24-hour

  • Full-service laundry

  • Children

  • Child-friendly

  • Parking & transport

  • Parking

  • Local shuttle

  • Pets

  • No pets

  • Rooms

  • Air conditioning in some rooms

    Popular amenities

  • Pool
  • Breakfastfree
  • Air conditioning
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internet

  • Wi-Fi

  • Policies & payments

  • Credit cards

  • Debit cards

  • NFC mobile payments

  • Cash

  • Pools

  • Pool

  • No hot tub

  • Wellness

  • No fitness centre

  • No spa

  • Languages spoken

  • English

  • Hindi

  • Food and drink

  • Restaurant

  • Services

  • Front desk24-hour

  • Full-service laundry

  • Children

  • Child-friendly

  • Parking & transport

  • Parking

  • Local shuttle

  • Pets

  • No pets

  • Rooms

  • Air conditioning in some rooms

    Popular amenities

  • Pool
  • Breakfastfree
  • Air conditioning
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internet

  • Wi-Fi

  • Policies & payments

  • Credit cards

  • Debit cards

  • NFC mobile payments

  • Cash

  • Pools

  • Pool

  • No hot tub

  • Wellness

  • No fitness centre

  • No spa

  • Languages spoken

  • English

  • Hindi

  • Food and drink

  • Restaurant

  • Services

  • Front desk24-hour

  • Full-service laundry

  • Children

  • Child-friendly

  • Parking & transport

  • Parking

  • Local shuttle

  • Pets

  • No pets

  • Rooms

  • Air conditioning in some rooms

  • Breakfastfree

  • Breakfastfree

  • Breakfastfree

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